Over the weekend, we made the decision to remove Harmony’s training wheels. After advice from a number of people that she was tall enough to try, we figured that we should give her a few hours of attention over at Rockwell park to see how she does. Aria has been doing so well on harmony’s old bike that she didn’t stop riding the whole time! What a little trooper!
So after about a half hour of trying, we got a few feet out of Harm without too much success – and it took us at least that long to get into “patience” mode with the whole thing. Mel and i took turns walking behind her, holding her seat.
Ding dong! the Ice Cream truck pulls into the park and of course we all need some “refreshment” – so we sat on the rocks and ate Dora, Spongebob and the typical faire… Of course Mom and Harm finish first, so while I sat behind and helped Aria to not drip all over herself, Harmony goes and rides the length of the parking lot the first time out without help! Go figure!
By the end of the evening, she was starting out by herself, and beginning to take corners. The next night, we took over one of the upper parking lots over by the high school – she rode non-stop for 2 hours!